Please note the earliest children can be considered for a place is for the term following their third birthday.
For applications for the current academic year 2024/2025:
We welcome applications throughout the academic year.
Please read the Nursery Terms and Conditions 2024/2025 and the Admission Arrangements for 2024/2025 below and then complete the Application Form for 2024/2025 intake. Applications closed on 10th January 2024 for initial offers but late applicants are still welcome to apply throughout the year and will be placed on a waiting list.
For applications for the next academic year 1st September 2025-31st August 2026
Please read the Nursery Terms and Conditions 2025/2026 and the Admission Arrangements for 2025/2026 below and then complete the Application Form for 2025/2026 intake. Applications will close for the initial offers on 10th January 2025.