Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. Since 2012-13 this will also include pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low income families. From September 2012, we are required to publish online information about how we have used the extra Premium. This will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium and the extra support that they receive.
Sports Premium
Department for Education Vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium
ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
The funding has been provided to ensure impact against the following objective:
To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. It is important to emphasise that the focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision (above) that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.
It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators:
- the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles
- the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
- increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- increased participation in competitive sport
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that the premium should be used to:
- develop or add to the PE and sport activities that our school already offers
- make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
For example, funding can be used to:
- hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers
- provide existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively
- introduce new sports or activities and encourage more pupils to take up sport
- support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs, holiday clubs and Change4Life clubs
- run sport competitions
- increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
- run sports activities with other schools
Change 4 Life (NHS)
School Games (Gov.UK)
Exceptional leadership and teaching are at the heart of the school’s success.