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At Holmesdale we are very proud of the exciting and inspiring curriculum the children experience here. The Early Years Framework  provides an outline of the core knowledge and skills around which we develop engaging and stimulating provision. Our curriculum is based on developing the individual’s knowledge, skills and understanding (what children know what they are able to do and what they understand about their world) and is delivered through play and real life experiences. Children in the nursery have the opportunity to visit our woodland and pond and take part in 'Outdoor Explorer' sessions where they work together to do a variety of activities, like den building, bug hunts and pond dipping.  Following children' interests, nursery staff plan other enrichment opportunities like cooking and sensory play, a drumming workshop  and an art workshop. As our nursery is part of a larger school community, children also benefit from whole school initiatives, like World Book Day, Science week, Feel Good Friday, Friendship week and Art/DT week to name a few.