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‘To nurture talent and achievement in everyone and build the foundations for success in the 21st Century’

At Holmesdale we believe music is inclusive and accessible to all. We want children to develop a love of music through being exposed to different genres, composers and different instruments. We follow the aims of the national curriculum and children are given the opportunities to perform, listen to, review and evaluate a wide range of music. They enjoy learning to sing and use their voices within their own classes and collectively within their key stage. As they progress through the school, they develop their understanding of how music is created through the different musical dimensions of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure while becoming exposed to appropriate musical notations.

As a school we follow the exciting musical programme Charanga, which ensures we follow the progression needed to fulfil the requirements of the curriculum developing children’s knowledge and skills while making lessons fun and engaging. Within the scheme children are introduced to playing tuned instruments such as glockenspiels.

Throughout the year, we join together or in year groups to participate in school performances such as a Harvest assembly, Christmas production and end of year assembly by Year 2. We also aim to provide children opportunities to experience live music by inviting performers into school. In addition to the school curriculum, KS1 children have the opportunity to play in a rock band via the extra –curriculum iRock sessions and sing in a choir run at lunchtimes.