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Special needs

Individual / special educational needs

We aim to provide the most appropriate programme of learning for each child. Some children are identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND) and these can vary in nature.

All our teachers are teachers of children with SEND and they will make appropriate provision for the children within their class. It may be necessary to ask advice from specialist agencies such as Language and Learning or the Educational Psychologist but this will always be done in consultation with parents.

Mrs H Short is the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and has specific responsibility for all children with special needs. If you would like an appointment with her to discuss any concerns, please contact the school office.

A member of the Governing Body is also nominated as having specific responsibility for SEND to ensure the school’s SEND policy is reviewed and that appropriate support is in place to meet the needs of the child.

The provision we offer for children with SEND is made clear in our SIR – Local Offer and complies with the statutory requirement in the SEND Code of Practice.

Watching progress

We aim for the highest achievement from the children and, to help with this, the teachers monitor each child closely. Teaching is geared to individual needs as far as possible. Work in classrooms is matched to a child’s ability level, providing enough challenge to help him/her progress. Throughout a child’s time at the school there is continual teacher assessment. This helps us to identify individual pupil’s strengths and his/her next steps in learning and provide appropriate learning opportunities.

Children in the Foundation stage are assessed through regular observation by teachers and learning assistants. These observations take place continually throughout the nursery and reception classes. All parents receive an annual written report and there are opportunities throughout the year to meet your child’s class teacher and discuss your child’s achievements and areas for improvement.