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Staff are ‘on duty’ from 8.45am – 3.20pm (32Hrs 55 mins per week). Main school times are 8.55am – 3.05pm (30Hrs 50 mins per week). Nursery is open 8.30am – 3.15pm (30Hrs and 45mins) Sessions are 08:30am to 11.30am and 12.15 - 3.15pm or 08.30am to 2.30pm. Children should not be left unsupervised on school premises outside these hours.

From 8.45am children may come into school, either into the building itself or to play in the playground. Class teachers are in the classroom from 8.45am in order to supervise the children while a member of staff is on duty at that time in the playground.


Registration takes place at 8.55am, by which time all children are expected to be in school. If a child arrives after the playground door is closed at 8.55am they should be brought to the front door of the school and signed in. We have rigorous procedures to deal with persistent late arrival at school. (See Attendance Policy). If a child is not in time for the register and is not signed in at the school office, then they will not be recorded as being present in school. This could mean that we will not be aware of their presence should an emergency arise or if they require a school meal.

Early morning and after school care

The school also runs an Early Morning Club (from 7.45am – 8.45am) and there is an after school club run by an outside provider (The Hokey Cokey Club) from 3.05 – 6.00pm, as well as a range of other clubs to help your child develop skills and interests beyond the range of normal class activities Places at clubs are on a first-come first served basis, booked and paid for in advance.