At Holmesdale we want our children to see themselves as mathematicians. We ensure that all children develop firm mathematical foundations in a way that is engaging, and appropriate for their age. We aim to provide children with opportunities to develop positive relationships within our setting and to provide enabling environments which give children access to a wealth of resources and experiences to develop their mathematical knowledge and skills. In Key stage 1 we make sure that all children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, are able to reason mathematically and can solve problems by applying their knowledge. We aim to embed these skills through a mastery approach that focuses on the 5 big ideas – coherence, representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency and variation. We encourage pupils to reason and explain their answers by making connections between different mathematical concepts. We strive to cultivate independent problem solvers who are unafraid to take risks and challenge themselves. Our goal is to instil a love for mathematics through diverse experiences, enabling students to become thinkers, creators, and future makers.
Maths at Holmesdale
We plan our mathematics curriculum using The National Curriculum and the EYFS Framework. Progression grids have been carefully mapped out to show which areas should be taught in each term, in each year group. The progression statements outline how each skill is developed though EYFS and KS1, which allows teachers to recap and make links to previous learning.
In EYFS at Holmesdale we observe children’s interests and knowledge and then plan in learning opportunities to develop their mathematical knowledge and skills. Each classroom has a maths area which is equipped with a wide range of mathematical resources and manipulatives. We also recognise the importance for outdoor learning and the same variety of mathematical resources are available to children in our outdoor area. Children are given the opportunity to explore and use these resources in their play. Practitioners are on hand to pose questions to develop children’s knowledge and understanding. In addition to this, specific maths teaching takes place each week using White Rose resources (shape, space and measure) and the Mastering Number programme, which focuses on developing and embedding children’s key basic number fact fluency. The maths lesson begins with a practise of a skill (to develop mathematical fluency), followed by an open-ended maths talk then an introduction to a concept. Small adult focussed group sessions then take place throughout the week to further support or develop the concept being taught. At Holmesdale we are also keenly aware of the importance of developing mathematical language and practitioners' model and encourage children to use mathematical language as they explore, play and explain their reasoning. The characteristics of effective learning and the language that arises from them are highly valued at Holmesdale and practitioners' model and encourage children to use the language for learning, so they are resilient, responsible, resourceful learners who have a can do attitude to their learning.
In KS1, the curriculum is structured into units for each year group. Each unit links to and builds upon learning from the previous year group and is designed so that links between different mathematical concepts can be made.
When introduced to a new concept, children are encouraged to physically represent these new ideas and concepts. Objects and pictures are used to demonstrate and visualise abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols.
Concrete- all children have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand and explain what they are doing.
Pictorial – Children then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations which can be used to reason and solve problems.
Abstract- With the foundations firmly laid, children can move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence.
Team planning ensures a consistent approach to teaching and follows the White Rose mastery programme. The structure of each lesson is: talk (flashback 4 – retrieval), main focus with reasoning elements, independent/group work and plenary. Each lesson starts with a discussion between talk/learning partners (flashback 4), which focuses on further embedding previous learning by tackling questions and challenges from previous topics.
Prior learning from the day/week before is revisited then followed by new learning for that day. This uses examples and problems and new concepts are explored and developed with the whole class through the use of talk/learning partners, asking and answering questions and addressing any misconceptions so children feel equipped and confident to tackle activities. Teachers use precise questioning to test procedural and conceptual knowledge and to assess children. During the main part of the lesson children are encouraged to be as independent as possible by accessing appropriate resources to support their learning and use the scaffolding provided. Adults challenge and support children during the lesson through verbal and written feedback which they will then respond to. Reasoning and challenge are part of every lesson and children are encouraged to independently select challenges which aim to develop their problem solving, reasoning skills and confidence in maths. To complete the lesson, the plenary gives a chance for the learning to be consolidated and any further misconceptions addressed. Children are encouraged to explain how they reached their answer and the methods they used. This builds fluency of knowledge and reasoning skills.
Mastering Number is a number fact fluency programme that is separate to the main session and followed 4 times per week in each Reception and Key Stage 1 class. The programme aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.
What the children have said about maths….
"Maths is everywhere, it is fun and you can do it in lots of different ways." - Year 2
"Maths is when you subitise and double and find things quickly on the rekenrek!" - Reception
"I can count to 10." - Nursery
"I love challenges and having problems to solve because it helps me learn more and takes a long time." - Year 2
"Numbers, counting using your fingers and knowing symbols." - Year 1