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Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again’

Nelson Mandela

At Holmesdale we want our children to see themselves as citizens of the world. We aim to give children the knowledge and skills they need to become responsible, resilient, and respectful citizens who can build positive relationships and navigate challenges in life. We have identified 3 ‘big ideas’ which run through our curriculum: ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in our World’. We teach PSHE through the Jigsaw PSHE Scheme, tailoring it to suit our school and community, including our Values, Learning Behaviours and our pupils’ needs.

During the EYFS children learn about themselves as developing individuals; they begin to acquire the skills needed to manage their emotions and develop relationships. They learn about their own and others’ feelings and become more aware of the needs and rights of other children. The children learn basic rules and skills to enable them to keep themselves healthy and safe.

Our PSHE curriculum develops the emotional literacy and social skills of the children ensuring they develop as happy, healthy learners as they become thinkers, creators, and future makers.

PSHE at Holmesdale

As a staff we agree that these are some of the ways we will implement PSHE learning:

  • The children take part in weekly PSHE Jigsaw lessons; each lesson has an element of mindfulness and includes a Circle Time
  • Additional Circle Time sessions may be held to deal with issues that have arisen in class
  • In EYFS teachers plan Independent Learning Activities in which children develop PSHE skills and knowledge
  • Teachers provide protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing children’s knowledge of when and how they can ask for help, their understanding of how to stay safe online, their knowledge of the correct terminology for body parts
  • PSHE can play an important role in keeping our children safe and by following the Jigsaw Charter during Circle Time a supportive atmosphere is cultivated
  • Assemblies are held to develop children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness and understanding
  • Each afternoon begins with a mindfulness session to calm the children following lunchtime
  • Children are given
  •  opportunities to develop their sense of responsibility e.g ‘Special Helpers’, ‘Eco Warriors’ and ‘Play Leaders’
  • Children are given a voice via our School Council. Each class votes for two representatives who attend meetings
  • We use ‘Well being’ Maps, based on Leuven Scale of Well being and Involvement to monitor the children’s wellbeing across the school
  • Each class has an ‘Emotions Toolkit’ available for the children to use if they need some calming time
  • Each class has a ‘Colour Monster’ display which supports children in identifying and dealing with their feelings – developing their emotional literacy
  • Children are encouraged to celebrate mistakes, we call them ‘Marvellous Mistakes’
  • Children are encouraged to demonstrate resilience, we talk about ‘bouncing back’ and our ‘Yet Pets’ and celebrate resilience with red resilience capes
  • A sense of community is fostered through the ‘Terrific Trios’ session the children take part in. These sessions allow the children to foster positive relationships with their peers from other year groups
  • We celebrate friendship during our ‘Friendship Week in the autumn term, this includes a visit from children from Reigate Priory School
  • We raise awareness and celebrate positive mental health during our ‘Feeling Good Friday’ in the autumn and ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ in the Spring


As with all areas of our curriculum, we have drawn on research evidence to shape our teaching and learning pedagogy. For more information, please see our Greensand Pace Model.

What the children have said about PSHE….

"Resilience is perseverance for more than one day." Y1

"I bounced back and was brave so I could wear the resilience cape. " Reception

"If I see something scary online I will tell my grown up". Y1

"I like the ‘Pantasaurus’ song, it’s fun and reminds us what that our private parts are private!" Y2